
Showing posts from July, 2017

Inner lotus: Kick your sour lemons out.

We all encounter daily issues, it's apart of life, but what happens if we don't tend to them? Stress starts to build up, negative feelings start to arise, and life is just a big bowl of rocks. When life hands you lemons they're often encountered with emotions. Such as anger, sadness, vengeance, confusion, etc. Lemons (hardships) often like to lurk in our lives and it can be difficult to rid of them, and with our busy schedules we learn to ignore them... In turn if we let them lurk, eventually we start to effect those around us. When we effect those around us we become the lemon to other people, and become even more angry with ourselves. The cycle just keeps spinning! Unfortunately this is life, but what do we do? Lemons don't have salty attitudes, they're sour! Here are the 15 best options when it comes to defeating stress 1. Take a yoga class If you don't feel like spending an extra buck to learn yoga, check out some neat yoga videos on Youtube...